Teachers Federation House

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  3. Teachers Federation House
Events at this venue

HMS Collaborative Investigation – Surry Hills

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers.  The Collaborative Investigation is an exciting but challenging feature of the new HMS syllabus. Many teachers are wondering where to start. Learn to design, implement, and assess a Collaborative Investigation at this experiential, interactive […]


HMS Collaborative Investigation – Surry Hills

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers.  The Collaborative Investigation is an exciting but challenging feature of the new HMS syllabus. Many teachers are wondering where to start.  Join us for this new workshop - learn to design, implement, and assess […]


HSC Marking Simulation CAFS – Surry Hills

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

What do HSC markers look for? Gain insights, tips and tricks at our one-day workshop. You’ll take part in simulated HSC marking experiences designed to give you first-hand understanding.  You’ll also build consistency and confidence to make accurate judgements when marking your own student responses.  The workshop covers:  Levels and standards of response in the […]


HSC Marking Simulation PDHPE – Surry Hills

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

IMPORTANT: This workshop will take you through the HSC processes and procedures for the current syllabus that will be examined in 2024 and 2025. It will NOT cover examination of the new Health and Movement Science (HMS) syllabus. What do HSC markers look for? Gain insights, tips and tricks at our one-day workshop. You’ll take […]


Improving student performance in Stage 6 – CAFS

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Unlock the secrets to improving student performance in Stage 6 CAFS. This workshop focuses on HSC marking and judging process, understanding the performance standards, supporting students and quality practices and feedback. There are 8 sessions: Understanding how standards are set Unpacking the standards to improve performance Supporting students to improve through explicit teaching Teaching critical […]


Assessing Year 11 HMS – Surry Hills (Booked Out)

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers.  Assessing Year 11 HMS one-day workshop – join us to start designing your school assessment schedule.  Join us to start designing your school assessment schedule. Explore key planning considerations including NESA’s school-based assessment requirements […]


Designing Year 11 HMS unit plans – Surry Hills (Booked out)

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program to help teachers. Designing Year 11 HMS unit plans is a new one-day workshop co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers.  Join us to unpack the Year 11 HMS course outcomes and content.  We’ll explore sample unit plans that cover focus […]


Teaching child studies

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

New to teaching Child Studies? Explore the course structure and content in detail at this full-day workshop. The workshop covers: Unpacking the Child Studies syllabus and structure Examining module content Example programs and assessment tasks Resource ideas Creating quality units of work and authentic assessment tasks. Who should attend? Teachers new to Child Studies DETAILS […]


First time teaching Stage 6 CAFS

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Teaching Stage 6 for the first time? Learn the information and skills you need to design and deliver the Stage 6 CAFS course. The workshop covers: Where to begin Unpacking the syllabus Assessment Planning learning sequences based on outcomes  Introduction to the IRP  Resourcing Setting your students up for success. At this interactive workshop, you’ll […]


Designing Year 11 HMS unit plans – Surry Hills (Booked out)

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program to help teachers. Designing Year 11 HMS unit plans is a new one-day workshop co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers.  Join us to unpack the Year 11 HMS course outcomes and content.  We’ll explore sample unit plans that cover focus […]


Leading Year 11 HMS Faculty Planning – Surry Hills (Booked Out)

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program to help teachers. Leading Year 11 HMS Faculty Planning - is a brand new one-day workshop co-designed with experienced teachers. Join us to get on the front foot and start planning your Year 11 HMS program.  Using templates and resources, you will begin to […]


Leading Year 11 HMS Faculty Planning – Surry Hills (Booked out)

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program to help teachers. Leading Year 11 HMS Faculty Planning - is a brand new one-day workshop co-designed with experienced teachers. Join us to get on the front foot and start planning your Year 11 HMS program.  Using templates and resources, you will begin to […]


HSC Enrichment Day PDHPE – in-person

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Get better prepared at our HSC Enrichment Day for Year 12 students and teachers. This one-day workshop was written by highly qualified PDHPE experts and includes a comprehensive booklet, with 70+ pages of revision work. The day is a great opportunity to learn and revise outside the regular school and home setting. Presenters are experienced […]

$50.00 – $376.00

HSC Enrichment Day CAFS – in-person

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

The 2023 HSC is approaching. Get better prepared at our HSC Enrichment Day for Year 12 students and teachers. This one-day workshop was written by highly qualified CAFS experts and includes a comprehensive booklet, with 70+ pages of revision work. The day is a great opportunity to learn and revise outside the regular school and […]

$50.00 – $376.00

Quality Assessment in CAFS

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Are you looking to review your current Community and Family Studies (CAFS) assessment processes and want some new ideas? Assessment that allows all students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding is vital. Our one-day workshop will guide you through a modelled process to review your assessment practices and ensure you best support student achievement. The […]


HSC Marking Simulation – CAFS

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

What do HSC markers look for? Gain insights, tips and tricks at our one-day workshop. You’ll take part in simulated HSC marking experiences designed to give you first-hand understanding. You’ll also build consistency and confidence to make accurate judgements when marking your own student responses. The workshop covers: Levels and standards of response in the […]


HSC Marking Simulation – PDHPE

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

What do HSC markers look for? Gain insights, tips and tricks at our one-day workshop. You’ll take part in simulated HSC marking experiences designed to give you first-hand understanding. You’ll also build consistency and confidence to make accurate judgements when marking your own student responses. The workshop covers: Levels and standards of response in the […]


2023 Early Career Teacher Conference

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Starting out teaching can be overwhelming. The ACHPER NSW Early Career Teacher Conference is designed to support new K-12 PDHPE teachers in their first three years of teaching. Themed from Surviving to Thriving, the conference provides practical strategies and support to build teacher confidence and skills. Workshops cover topics including: class management, assessments, lesson planning, […]

$340.00 – $390.00

Improving Stage 6 Student Performance – CAFS

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Unlock the secrets to improving student performance in Stage 6 CAFS. This workshop focus on HSC marking and judging process, understanding the performance standards, supporting students and quality practices and feedback. There are 8 sessions: Understanding how standards are set Unpacking the standards to improve performance Supporting students to improve through explicit teaching Teaching critical […]


Improving Stage 6 student performance – PDHPE

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Unlock the secrets to improving student performance in Stage 6 PDHPE. This workshop focus on HSC marking and judging process, understanding the performance standards, supporting students and quality practices and feedback. There are 8 sessions: Understanding how standards are set Unpacking the standards to improve performance Supporting students to improve through explicit teaching Teaching critical […]


Child Studies

Teachers Federation House 23/33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Explore the Child Studies course at this full-day workshop, including the structure and content of the updated syllabus in detail. The workshop covers: Unpacking the Child Studies syllabus Structure of the syllabus explained Content of each of the 15 modules Example programs and assessment tasks Resource ideas Creating quality units of work and authentic assessment […]

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