Outstanding Professional Service Award
This award is made by the Professional Teachers’ Council NSW on behalf of professional associations in recognition of the voluntary work undertaken by committee members of professional teachers’ associations. The award recognises individual committee member’s outstanding professional contribution to education in NSW made through a professional teachers’ association.

Luke Adams – St Phillips Christian College Cessnock
This award recognises Luke’s outstanding contribution to the physical and health education profession over the last 13 years and as an active board member of ACHPER NSW since 2018. Luke has demonstrated dedication and commitment by volunteering his time to deliver free webinars on incorporating google apps into your classroom and regularly presenting at the Stage 6 Conference. He also played an integral role in the delivery of statewide syllabus implementation support workshops across NSW in 2018 and 2019.
Luke is passionate about helping to support the PDHPE Community through establishing with a colleague the NSW PDHPE Teachers facebook page and the ACHPER NSW shared google drive, where teachers can collaborate and support each other.
In his many roles within the education sector Luke has facilitated the implementation of Google Apps to utilise 21st century pedagogy in his day to day teaching. This provides a 24/7 learning environment for his stage 6 students and encourages collaboration, and anywhere, anytime learning.
Luke co-developed an “Introduction to Google apps in Education” and “Embedding google apps into K-10 PDHPE” workshop for ACHPER NSW. These PDHPE workshops reviewed their pedagogy to ensure teaching, learning and assessment are well rounded, thorough and time effective and that their use of technology is purposeful to develop student’s knowledge, understanding and skills.
Luke is an engaging presenter who presented the new K-10 PDHPE curriculum for ACHPER NSW – “Programming the New K-10 syllabus” and “Effective Assessment in the K-10 syllabus”. His knowledge and expertise in the PDHPE curriculum have allowed him to develop different strategies to deliver PDHPE to his students and peers.
Luke played a pivotal role on behalf of ACHPER NSW at the Implementation to Prevention Health Symposium, presenting and advocating for the PDHPE Profession in relation to the role schools can play in health promotion and prevention.
In his school role, Luke is continually striving to deliver quality and engaging programs for his students. His work ethic and commitment to creating supportive environments in which his students can thrive is something he should be proud of. He was instrumental in the establishment of fully functional gym and fitness room that supports the delivers sports specific training and development programs for students beyond the classroom and is also used for fitness sessions that can be accessed by students and staff.
Luke is at the forefront in designing and delivering innovative and engaging programs with the aim of getting the best outcomes possible for his students. Luke’s contribution to the PDHPE profession through his work with ACHPER NSW and at the school level make him a very worthy recipient of the Professional Teacher’s Council Outstanding Professional Service Award.
Congratulations Luke @achpernsw on a most well deserved award.
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