NESA has released the new Stage 6 Health and Movement Science (HMS) syllabus, due for implementation in schools in 2026.
Our resources to help you:
- Year 11 HMS program package – a comprehensive package of 60 resources
- Stage 6 HMS Professional learning events
- Videos
- Free resources
- Useful links, including to NESA
- Our Stage 6 HMS co-design team
Professional learning events
ACHPER NSW has a comprehensive program of HMS professional learning. Our focus is on customisable resources. We’ve translated the new syllabus into teacher-friendly sample program frameworks you can personalise to your student cohort needs.
Our Stage 6 HMS professional learning has been co-designed by ACHPER NSW staff together with experienced and practising PDHPE teachers.
Current workshops:
Programming Year 12 HMS workshop
Get on the front foot and start planning your Year 12 HMS program at our practical workshop. Create scope and sequence and unit frameworks for Health in an Australian and Global Context and Training for Improved Performance using our templates. Examine opportunities to embed depth studies into your teaching and assessment programs. View events
Assessing Year 12 HMS workshop
Join us to start designing your Year 12 HMS assessment program. Explore key planning considerations including NESA’s school-based assessment requirements and task design that addresses weightings between Year 12 HMS skills and knowledge outcomes. View events
Past workshops:
Collaborative Investigation workshop
Learn to design, implement, and assess a collaborative investigation at this experiential, interactive workshop. Teachers will play the role of students as we model processes, strategies, and templates to help you scaffold learning and keep students on task.
HMS Extension sessions
Our HMS Extension sessions unpack a specific area of the HMS syllabus with experts. They are short after-school webinars. Topic areas include depth studies, Sustainable Development Goals, body systems and more.
HMS Q&A (free)
Monthly informal discussion sessions with ACHPER NSW staff and fellow teachers. Come together in a safe, collaborative space to work through your implementation challenges. Hear what others are doing and share your ideas. No questions or topics are off-limits.
Leading Year 11 HMS Faculty Planning workshop
A one-day workshop for those leading planning. Unpack the syllabus and start creating scope and sequence, unit frameworks and assessment schedules with our templates and resources.
Designing Year 11 HMS unit plans workshop
A practical one-day workshop unpacking the Year 11 HMS course. Explore sample scope and sequence and start creating Year 11 units of work with our new programming resources.
Assessing Year 11 HMS workshop
Start designing your school assessment schedule at this new one-day workshop. Identify opportunities for formative assessment and design a Collaborative Investigation that is efficient for teachers and sets students up for HSC success. View all workshopss
HMS syllabus familiarisation
Janice Atkin and Clare Roden from ACHPER NSW take a high-level look at the course structure and requirements in this one hour webinar. 70 minutes; August 2023
Year 11 HMS scope and sequence
We asked 7 experienced PDHPE teachers about Year 11 HMS scope and sequence. How will they approach it? 5 minutes; February 2024
Free resources
- Year 11 course sample scope and sequence – 5 versions. Updated 26 Oct 2023
Blog series

Useful links
- NESA – HMS syllabus
- NESA – HMS teaching and learning support resources
- Department of Education – HMS syllabus: information for school leaders
Our co-design team
Our Stage 6 HMS professional learning has been co-designed by ACHPER NSW staff together with a team of experienced and practising PDHPE teachers:
Pam Williams, Head Teacher Administration, Lisarow High School
Pam has been an educator for 30 years, with experience as Head Teacher PDHPE and Administration at various schools. Pam’s expert knowledge of PDHPE curriculum planning and syllabus has seen her lead and drive change across a wide range of initiatives. Pam firmly believes in the value of developing and nurturing relationships for effective teaching and learning.
Kyle Sutton, Head Teacher PDHPE and Languages, Merewether High School
Kyle has been a head teacher in Sydney and Newcastle for the past 7 years and has been an ACHPER NSW Board member since 2016. He has been a presenter for ACHPER NSW on curriculum and consulted with a range of stakeholders to promote teacher quality and professional learning.
Alex Walters, Director of Learning for Wellbeing, St Brigid’s Catholic College, Lake Munmorah
Alex has been teaching PDHPE for 19 years including Stage 6 PDHPE and CAFS since 2007. She has held head of Department roles from 2008-2018. Alex is also an experienced senior marker and has presented on numerous occasions for ACHPER.
Terrence Kwok, R/Head Teacher PDHPE, Sylvania High School
Terrence has undertaken roles as Relieving Head Teacher, Teaching & Learning, Sports Organiser, Stage 6 PDHPE coordinator, and has led a number of whole school professional development initiatives designed to improve teacher capacity. Terrence is the Sydney South West Touch Convenor and is an experienced teacher of Stage 6 PDHPE.
Kelly Pfeiffer, Educator
An innovative educator with years of experience, Kelly has developed a reputation for excellence in the classroom and as a leader and networking champion. Kelly has a keen eye for emerging trends and technologies, seeking new and creative ways to engage students and inspire learning. Kelly’s work includes designing engaging curricula using project-based learning and collaborative inquiry approaches.
Simon Board, Director PDHPE and Sport, Kambala
Simon is an experienced leader in PDHPE with a passion for curriculum and innovation. He has worked with NESA and other non-government organisations developing syllabus aligned resources. He has been involved extensively in syllabus development, review and implementation and has a keen interest in the new Stage 6 HMS syllabus.
Lisa Bauer, Head Teacher PDHPE, James Ruse Agricultural High School
Lisa has been a head teacher PDHPE for 14 years, with extensive Stage 6 and HSC marking experience. She has taught in both the independent and public sector and holds a Master of Teaching from the University of Sydney. Lisa is involved in improving pedagogical practices through mentoring, professional development groups and working with teachers on their accreditation processes.
James Muir, PDHPE teacher, NOVO Education Space, Illawarra
James is an experienced Stage 6 teacher who has presented regularly for ACHPER NSW at Stage 6 conferences and workshops. James has a deep knowledge of the Core 2 content and designs innovative, interactive and educational practical experiences for students that make the learning stick.
Alex Lupton, Head Teacher, Teaching and Learning, Heathcote High School
Alex has extensive teaching experience across all three teaching sectors. She has been a PDHPE teacher, mentor, head teacher and senior education officer and has taught all PDHPE curriculum areas. Alex has been involved in various NESA curriculum advisory groups and presented ACHPER workshops for both PASS and Stage 6 PDHPE.
Janice Atkin, Professional Learning Officer, ACHPER NSW
Janice has worked as a PDHPE teacher, Head Teacher and curriculum consultant for 30 years. She has extensive experience with curriculum development in NSW, Australia and internationally, and recently managed the review of the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education. Janice provides professional development, support and resources for departments, schools and teachers across Australia.