PDHPE Masterclass recordings

ACHPER NSW PDHPE Masterclasses explore new health and movement research. Each Masterclass is presented by leading experts establishing the evidence-base for health and physical education.

Masterclasses are free for ACHPER NSW members. When we have permission from presenters, Masterclasses are recorded and available here to members.

Spectrum of teaching styles in physical education

September 2024
with Dr Brendan SueSee, University of Southern Queensland, Professor Shane Pill, Flinders University and Dr Michael Davies, University of Canberra.
There are a range of teaching models, pedagogical approaches and assessment tools to pick from when planning PE lessons. What will be most effective for your students?

 LGBTQIA+ youth and sexual health education

August 2024
with Professor Jan Wright, Kaitlin Hearne and Gabrielle O’Flynn, University of Wollongong
Research shows that sexual health education is often not inclusive of LGBTQIA+ youth. How can we improve?

The importance of nature-based, outdoor learning in PDHPE

June 2024
with Professor Tonia Gray, Western Sydney University and Lori Modde, Outdoors NSW/ACT

Discover the benefits of creating nature connections and how to embed outdoor and nature-based activities authentically into your PDHPE programs.

Teaching skills to navigate health misinformation

May 2024
with Dr Louisa Peralta, University of Sydney 
Teaching and assessing health literacy can be a challenge. Learn practical ways to enhance students’ skills through your PDHPE lessons.

Measuring movement skills in primary school

March 2024
with Dr Nick Riley, University of Newcastle 
How can we better understand movement skills for students entering primary school? Explore the new tools currently being trialled that are designed to help.

Body satisfaction and the influence of social media

October 2023
Dr Veya Seekis, lecturer and researcher, School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University
Discusses practical strategies that are showing promise in curbing the impact of social media on body satisfaction.

Trauma-informed practice in PDHPE

September 2023
Professor Karen Martin, University of Tasmania 
Explores approaches to plan lessons that are trauma-informed and psychologically safe for all.

Purposeful small-sided games

August 2023 
Gareth Long, Director of Program Innovation & Development, Australian College of Physical Education
Adam Bunce, Schools Engagement Manager, AFL NSW/ACT
Learn how to create purposeful small-sided games that support students to transfer and adapt strategies and tactics across football codes and other sports categories.

Embedding a broader notion of community and wellbeing

May 2023
Dr Gabrielle O’Flynn, University of Wollongong
Dr Nicki Taylor, Western Sydney University
Explore how a broader concept of community and its relationship to community health can shape PDHPE delivery in the future.

Fitness education in schools

March 2023
Laura Alfrey, Senior Lecturer, Monash University 
Examine improved, evidence-based approaches to fitness testing and fitness education in schools.

Young People as mental health care givers

February 2023
Claire Goodall, Young People and Education Manager, R U OK?
Explore the role that peers play as informal care givers in mental health prevention and promotion for young people.

Ability grouping in physical education classes

August 2022
Dr Shaun Wilkinson
Dawn Penney
Explore mixed-ability class groupings in physical education (PE), including insights into students’ experiences.

Vaping and e-cigarettes

August 2022
Dr Rebecca Hodder and Courtney Barnes
Research into understanding the use of e-cigarettes amongst young people, including barriers and enablers, programs and interventions that work and resources are available for schools.

Reimagine sports and games

June 2022
Justen O’Connor, Laura Alfrey (Monash University) and Dawn Penney, Edith Cowan University
Explores new research proposing a classification system that is inclusive of a wider range of games and sports – and how this can translate in your PDHPE program.

Helping low-motivated students

May 2022
Dr Dana Perlman, University of Wollongong
Explore how different forms of teacher instruction, based within Self Determination Theory, can influence amotivated students’ motivational responses within secondary physical education.

Consent and respectful relationships

December 2022
Jenny Walsh, Consultant and author
Explores the evidence-base that informs the development and delivery of respectful relationships and consent education in schools. Unpacks an ethical framework that can be used to guide discussions about sexual consent in intimate relationships.

Alcohol and drug use prevention

September 2022
Dr Lauren Gardener and Dr Emma Devine, The Matilda Centre, University of Sydney
Lauren and Emma share effective, evidence-based practices for the teaching of alcohol and drug use prevention in schools.

Planning engaging movement lessons

October 2022
Emily McLachlan, International Grammar School, PhD University of Newcastle
Emily shares her practical strategies for increasing motivation and engagement of students in movement lessons – exploring the evidence base and translating it into practice.

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