March 2022
Our Reimagining PE workshops have been travelling around NSW in past weeks, giving us the chance to work with fantastic teachers and hear direct on PE teaching needs.
The ACHPER NSW team has been to Goulburn, Newcastle, Tamworth, Coffs Harbour and Epping during March and April, delivering sessions to around 80 teachers.
“It’s been great to see teachers actively engage with new ideas and exploring how they can change things up,” said Janice Atkin, ACHPER NSW Professional Learning Officer.
“Teachers know their lessons are not engaging all students and want a new way of doing things.
“The teachers we’ve worked with value the opportunity to explore syllabus outcomes, and see practical examples of lessons that teach content in different ways,” said Janice.
Jodie Wilks, from Hunter Valley Grammar School attended the Newcastle workshop, and had this to say the next day: “I’m on such a high from an amazing PE lesson I just had with year 3. There was so much more success from the students once I set the lesson out so differently….. a direct result of your course.”
Where are the needs?
Janice says teachers are looking for support in a few areas.
“Firstly, teachers want help with writing their units of work. Most of the schools have a good handle on programming health units, but their PE units are pretty basic. ACHPER NSW is planning to develop resources in this area over coming months.
“Secondly, there is uncertainty around specific movement concepts that need to be taught through the syllabus. During the workshop, we unpack this in a lesson context to model what it can look like,” said Janice.
New syllabus coming
With a new syllabus on the horizon, not everyone is prepared.
“It’s interesting that many teachers are unaware of the curriculum review currently underway in NSW and the fact there will be a new K-10 syllabus in schools by 2024.
“As a profession, I think there is real fatigue around syllabus change. The idea of re-doing programs is quite daunting.
“It’s an area ACHPER is keen to support teachers with. We’ll be working on a series of programming and planning workshops and resources to make life a little easier when the new syllabus arrives,” said Janice.
Positivity and passion
After seven Reimagining PE workshops to date, and 150+ teachers trained, the positivity and willingness is clear.
Clare Roden, ACHPER Professional Learning Officer, ran the Epping session and said “the rigorous professional discussions that happened throughout the day showed a real passion” and “teachers are excited to learn evidence-based research around motivating students to engage in PE and improve their practice.”
Reimagining PE in Term 2
The Reimaging PE workshops continue during Term 2:
- 9 May: Sydney (Liverpool)
- 30 May: Dubbo
- 3 June: Wagga Wagga
- 10 June: Batemans Bay
- 21 June: Bathurst
- 24 June: Cessnock
The one-day workshop focuses on PE innovation and rethinking programs. Designed for new or experienced PDHPE teachers, the workshop covers six sessions:
- Defining quality PE
- Unpacking movement outcomes
- Engaging and re-engaging students
- Thinking outside the box – how can we do PE differently
- Purposeful and intentional movement lessons
- Changing it up at your school.