2022 in review

ACHPER NSW highlights and thanks for 2022

by Tracy Puckeridge, CEO ACHPER NSW

What a fantastic year it has been! It was great to be able to get back face-to-face to network, collaborate and innovate.

Congratulations and well done to all our PDHPE/HPE educators. This year came with different challenges, including navigating through the end of COVID and widespread teacher shortages.  Regardless, educators continued to put students at the heart of their teaching and deliver quality health and physical education right across NSW and ACT.

Professional learning

During 2022 ACHPER NSW worked with the PDHPE community to deliver innovative and flexible face-to-face, online, after-school and in-school professional learning. We held 46 events, almost one each week, attended by over 1800 educators. Interest in our online events is still strong, especially for those in regional and remote areas.

A few professional learning highlights included:

  • Early Career Teachers Conference – for teachers in their first few years of teaching, it was well attended and extremely well received by delegates. 
  • K-12 PDHPE Conference – a sell-out event attended by close to 300 people. The energy and enthusiasm of educators being back together to network and collaborate was exciting.
  • PDHPE Masterclasses – new to our calendar this year and free to our members. Our eight Masterclasses featured leading experts discussing contemporary health and physical education research.

It’s been pleasing to see demand for our consultancy services increase this past year, with more organisations reaching out to us to collaborate.

We would like to thank National Centre for Implementation Science, ACT directorate and the NSW Department of Education for their ongoing relationship and collaboration to ensure the Health and Physical Education KLA continues to have the rigour and quality it deserves.

ACHPER NSW continues to work with the Professional Teacher’s Council and advocate to the Minister for Education and NESA on curriculum reform and timelines.

Thank you to our many supporters

Firstly, I would like to thank our partners Tennis NSW & ACT and RHSports for their ongoing support, along with all our conference exhibitors throughout the year.

Thank you to our ACHPER NSW board and ACT sub-committee for the time they volunteer, and the wisdom, experience, and expertise they bring to our organisation.

Special thank you to our President Brad McAllister. Brad has been on the ACHPER NSW board for just over ten years, dedicating his time and efforts in many ways, including the Strategic Review committee in past years.

Thank you to my wonderful team Karen Burton, Janice Atkin, Clare Roden and Shannon Dixon who are motivated, passionate, and work tirelessly to support educators and make a difference health and physical education.

Huge thank you goes out to the many presenters, writers and educators who contributed to ACHPER NSW this year. We have such a variety of expertise, from early career teachers through to academics who have been working in health and physical education for decades. We are truly value your expertise and willingness to share knowledge.

Finally, thank you to all our members, stakeholders and the health and physical education community. ACHPER NSW is your professional association and from your feedback and engagement, we can continue to grow and positively impact health, physical education and recreation.

As this year comes to an end, we hope all educators have well-deserved break and enjoy the time with family and friends. We look forward to connecting in 2023, especially to support you with the new Human Movement and Science curriculum. Wishing you all the best for the holiday season.

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