Term 4: Opportunity for catch up PL in Stage 6 CAFS and PDHPE

What a year 2020 has been, with untold disruptions to teaching, assessment and your professional learning.
The COVID restrictions have meant our usual smorgasbord of face to face professional learning offerings for PDHPE and CAFS teachers has been drastically reduced this year.
However, lots of good has come out of this crazy year. The COVID restrictions forced us to pivot our professional learning offerings to the virtual space and this has been an extremely successful transition for ACHPER NSW. This wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of our amazing and dedicated presenters and their willingness to share their expertise in a new and unfamiliar format.
Our virtual delivery of the Stage 6 conference was one of our greatest successes this year and we wanted to make the amazing workshops delivered at the Conference available to those who weren’t able to join us for the live Conference.
Catch up on the conference sessions now
With Term 4 seeing many of your HSC classes finishing up, it provides an ideal time to participate in some catch up professional learning. The beauty of the conference recordings is you can watch them in your own time, in your own space and work through the task at your own pace.
NESA accredited PL
You can gain NESA accredited hours by completing the workbook tasks associated with the sessions you watch.
If you view the all of the PDHPE sessions OR all the CAFS sessions you can gain 5 hours of NESA accreditation on submission of your completed workbooks. If you also add the General sessions to your PL viewing you can gain 10 hours accreditation.