Sponsor and exhibitor packages


CONNECT with the health and physical education community.
24 & 25 November 2023
Western Sydney University, Parramatta South Campus

The 2023 ACHPER NSW PDHPE conference is a unique two-day event for PDHPE teachers. Become a conference sponsor or exhibitor to show your commitment to healthy and active lifestyles, connect with PDHPE teachers and showcase your brand. Here’s a wrap up and photos from our 2022 Conference

Major sponsor

If you’re interested in becoming a major conference sponsor, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Tracy Puckeridge, CEO ACHPER NSW tracy@achper.com.au to discuss options.

Sponsor $2,600

Our Conference Sponsor package includes:

  • Sponsor logo on webpage  
  • Sponsor logo footer of 2 x preconference EDMs;  1 x post conference EDM
  • Sponsor logo front of conference program 
  • Full page advertisement or editorial in conference program – to be supplied
  • Sponsor logo featured in 2 x conference related social media tiles 
  • Sponsors tagged in conference related social media posts 
  • Sponsor logo featured in pre-conference social media post 
  • Sponsor display set up (from the day) featured in post conference social media post
  • 2 days exhibition space including skirted trestle table (1), tablecloth (1), chairs (2) . Located in the Conference hub 
  • Morning tea and lunch for representatives
  • Logo on conference opening/holding slides 
  • Attendance at networking event on Friday afternoon 
  • Provided with list of attendees – name and school only 

All sponsors are required to donate a prize (e.g. voucher, equipment) for conference lucky door prizes .
There may be up to 8 conference sponsors.

Exhibitor $1,100

Package inclusions:

  • 2 days exhibition space including skirted trestle table (1), tablecloth (1), chairs (2) . Located in the Conference hub
  • Morning tea and lunch for representatives  
  • Attendance at networking event on Friday afternoon
  • Contact detail listing in exhibitor directory within conference program
  • Exhibitor logo will feature in pre-conference social media post
  • Exhibitor display set up will feature in post conference social media post
  • Provided with list of attendees – name and school only 

All exhibitors are required to donate a prize (e.g. voucher, equipment) for conference lucky door prizes.


Please contact Tracy Puckeridge, CEO ACHPER NSW tracy@achper.com.au 

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