Using COVID as a case study for revising Core 1
If any good has come out of the COVID-19 pandemic it has been the daily updates on case numbers and the increased visibility of epidemiology at work. Given the high profile of epidemiologists in the media, COVID-19 provides a great opportunity for a case study to revise Core 1 content in preparation for trials or revision in the lead up to the HSC exams.
The following template for a COVID-19 case study has been created by Luke Adams. You can view online or download a Word version to share with your classes.

About the author – Luke Adams
Luke is currently the Head Teacher of PDHPE in a K-12 College in the Hunter Valley and has had 15 years’ experience teaching Stage 6 PDHPE. He has overviewed and facilitated the implementation of the Google Apps for Education program at two separate schools and continues to utilise 21st century pedagogy in his day to day teaching. This provides a 24/7 learning environment for his Stage 6 students and encourages collaborative, anywhere, anytime learning.
He has been responsible for the PDHPE and ICT professional development of teachers where he co-wrote and presented the ACHPER “Embedding Technology in the K-10 Syllabus” and “Using the Power of Google Forms to Provide Assessment Feedback Instantly” webinars and workshops. He also presented the Phase 2 “Programming the New K-10 Syllabus” and “Effective Assessment in the K-10 Syllabus” in collaboration with ACHPER. Luke thoroughly enjoys teaching Stage 6 PDHPE and has presented at other PDHPE organisations on the Google Apps for Education.