What's coming up: New syllabus PL

HMS professional learning workshop

May 2023

With HMS syllabus implementation drawing closer (fast!), and the new K-10 syllabus to be released this year, professional learning (PL) is more important than ever. ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive, ongoing PL program to support you through it all. 

Our HMS PL commenced in August last year and has now involved thousands of NSW teachers. Our Leading Year 11 HMS Faculty Planning workshop (now retired) and Designing Year 11 HMS Unit plans (soon coming to an end) are making way for more in-depth content sessions, Year 12 HMS workshops, and support resources. 

Our K-10 syllabus PL program will begin rolling out in 2025. It will follow a similar format as the HMS PL program, starting with familiarisation sessions and then moving into full day workshops on leading planning, programming and assessment. 

As the leading provider of PDHPE PL, who has facilitated syllabus implementation in NSW for decades, you can count on us for high quality PL and customisable resources.  Most importantly, all our PL is co-designed with a team of experienced and practising PDHPE teachers.    

To help with your PL planning here’s what we have coming up: 

Available now: 

Coming up:  

HMS syllabus:

  • Programming Year 12 HMS workshop – Term 4, 2024
  • Assessing Year 12 HMS workshop – Term 1, 2025
  • Year 11 HMS full teaching and assessment program – Term 4, 2024
  • Year 12 HMS full teaching and assessment program – Term 3, 2025
  • Year 11 Collaborative Investigation teaching and assessment program examples – Term 4, 2024
  • Year 12 Depth Studies teaching and assessment program examples – Term 3, 2025

K-10 syllabus (once released):

  • Familiarisation session: Unpacking the K-10 syllabus – after school webinar 
  • Leading school planning for the new K-10 PDHPE syllabus workshop 
  • Programming the new K-10 PDHPE syllabus workshop 
  • Assessing the new K-10 PDHPE syllabus workshop 
  • K-10 PDHPE Extension – short after school webinars with a focus on unpacking new content 
  • K-10 PDHPE Co-design labs – virtual planning sessions to support collaborative planning of units of work and assessment processes 

A closer look at HMS professional learning 

Our HMS workshops continue to be popular with teachers. The positive outcomes have included collaboration across schools in developing innovative and engaging units of work, networking with colleagues, and ongoing conversations that continue beyond the workshop. These are building teachers confidence and providing a platform for sharing ideas, resources and most importantly the workload. 

ACHPER NSW will continue to deliver PL on the new HMS syllabus into 2025 supporting implementation in Year 11 and the design of Year 12 programs – ready for implementation from Term 4 2025. Details on the upcoming Year 12 workshops:

Programming Year 12 HMS workshop 
Overview: Start planning your Year 12 scope and sequence and unit plans in this interactive workshop. Participants will critique sample scope and sequences and unit plans while considering NESA requirements for teaching and assessment. The sessions will model processes to embed skill development into teaching and learning sequences and support participants to design learning sequences that build understanding and skills essential for tackling the HSC exam. 

Assessing Year 12 HMS workshop 
Overview: Explore key planning considerations including NESA’s school-based assessment requirements and task design and examine ways to schedule depth studies to create assessment tasks and formative assessment opportunities. Participants will design assessment schedules, task notifications and formative assessment records during the workshop. 

2024 K-12 PDHPE Conference HMS stream 
HMS workshops at this year’s conference will include:

  • Training for improved performance: incorporating a Depth study in your Year 12 HMS program 
  • Creating a community of learners to enhance performance in HMS 
  • Investigating the health status of First Nations young people – a case study 
  • Biomechanics for HMS – practical experiments  
  • Comparisons of health status across populations  
  • Personalising exercise assessment and prescription – a case study 
  • Impact of tech and data on the Australian health care system. 
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