Job vacancy: Project Officer, ACHPER NSW

March 2023
ACHPER NSW is looking for a part-time Project Officer to work with our professional learning team.
- Part-time (32 hours per fortnight)
- April – July 2024 (contract extension available upon review)
- Total remuneration Package: $89,000-$100,336 (pro rata 0.4 FTE per week, including superannuation)
- ACHPER NSW believes in work-life balance and supports flexible working arrangements
- Contact: Tracy Puckeridge (02) 9787 5141 or
- Closing Date: 8 April 2024
- Organisation: The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) NSW
Are you passionate about making a difference in health and physical education? Do you pride yourself on developing and delivering quality professional learning?
ACHPER NSW is a membership based non-profit organisation, governed by a Volunteer Board comprising professionals from educational and community sectors.
ACHPER NSW provides ongoing support and professional development activities for teachers, students, academics and others in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education throughout NSW and ACT. We are currently offering sellout workshops in the Stage 6 Health and Movement Science syllabus, while getting ready for the release of the PDHPE K-6 & 7-10 syllabus.
This role requires an energetic person who is motivated with our fast-paced environment, you must have excellent interpersonal skills, professional learning skills, be able to work independently and as part of a vibrant team culture.
The Project Officer will work closely with the Professional Learning Officer to build the capacity of educators, schools and community agencies to support educators to deliver innovate and effective health and physical education programs. Maintaining strong links between the needs of the practicing teacher and evidence-based best practice to support the delivery of high-quality professional learning that supports best practice to teachers and student outcomes across PDHPE in NSW and ACT.
Key Selection Criteria
- Teaching qualifications and recent experience in implementing curriculum across the K-12 range.
- Knowledge and understanding of K-12 PDHPE curriculum.
- Understanding of the professional learning needs of PDHPE teachers K-12 now and into the future.
- Demonstrated capacity to plan, implement and evaluate innovative professional learning for teachers and school networks.
- Demonstrate the ability to think big picture and be able to break this down, deliver and implement effectively.
- Proven ability to liaise with a range of stakeholders, work independently and collaboratively across teams.
- High-level interpersonal, communication and administration skills.
Key Accountabilities
- Contribute to the organisation’s ongoing critical knowledge and understanding of the values and purpose of PDHPE.
- Ensure the organisation remains current in its understanding and delivery of relevant, accessible and best practice professional learning that is supported by quality resources, as directed by the Professional Learning Officer.
- Contribute to and support the evaluation, review and analysis of the professional learning services and resources developed by ACHPER NSW Branch.
- Provide expert advocacy and advice to a variety of relevant stakeholders.
Application process
To apply for this role please email:
- Outline of how you meet the 7 selection criteria (maximum 2 pages)
- Current CV (maximum 3 pages)
- Please also indicate your availability to start.
Email your application or any questions to Tracy Puckeridge, CEO, ACHPER NSW
Applications close on the 8 April 2024. Applications not addressing the Key Selection Criteria will not be considered.
Applicants who receive an interview invite will be asked to email a sample professional learning strategy outlining how they would deliver a concept supporting syllabus implementation in a professional learning session to support teachers. This can be for a single stage of learning or multiple stages. Please explain how the strategy would be delivered in a professional learning session from introducing the concept to modelling the implementation of the concept in a school context.