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First time teaching Stage 6 CAFS


Teaching Stage 6 for the first time? Learn the information and skills you need to design and deliver the Stage 6 CAFS course. The workshop covers: Where to begin Unpacking the syllabus Assessment Marking Resourcing Setting your students up for success. At this interactive workshop, you’ll learn both from the experienced presenter and networking with […]

Sold Out $440.00

Programming Year 12 HMS – online


ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers.  Programming Year 12 HMS is a practical workshop co-designed with experienced teachers.  Join us to start planning your Year 12 HMS program with a focus on HSC success.    Explore evidence-based programming strategies that […]

HSC Marking Simulation – PDHPE


Please note: this workshop is based on the current syllabus, not the new HMS syllabus What do HSC markers look for? Gain insights, tips and tricks at our one-day workshop. You’ll take part in simulated HSC marking experiences designed to give you first-hand understanding. You’ll also build consistency and confidence to make accurate judgements when […]

HSC Marking Simulation – CAFS


What do HSC markers look for? Gain insights, tips and tricks at our one-day workshop. You’ll take part in simulated HSC marking experiences designed to give you first-hand understanding. You’ll also build consistency and confidence to make accurate judgements when marking your own student responses. The workshop covers: Levels and standards of response in the […]

Leading 7-10 PDHPE programming – online


The new 7-10 PDHPE syllabus is here. ACHPER NSW has a comprehensive professional learning program to support implementation, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers. Join us to kick-start your school planning for the new 7-10 PDHPE syllabus. Unpack the new syllabus and start creating a scope and sequence, unit frameworks and assessment […]

Assessing Year 12 HMS – online


ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers. Assessing Year 12 HMS is a new one-day workshop co-designed with experienced teachers. Join us to start designing your Year 12 HMS assessment program. Explore key planning considerations including NESA’s school-based assessment requirements and […]

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