University of Western Sydney, Kingswood Campus

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  3. University of Western Sydney, Kingswood Campus
Events at this venue

Assessing Year 11 HMS – Kingswood

University of Western Sydney, Kingswood Campus Second Ave, Kingswood, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers. Assessing Year 11 HMS one-day workshop – join us to start designing your school assessment schedule. Explore key planning considerations including NESA’s school-based assessment requirements and task design that addresses weightings between the skills […]

HMS Collaborative Investigation – Kingswood

University of Western Sydney, Kingswood Campus Second Ave, Kingswood, NSW, Australia

ACHPER NSW offers a comprehensive Stage 6 HMS professional learning program, co-designed and delivered by ACHPER NSW staff and experienced teachers.  The Collaborative Investigation is an exciting but challenging feature of the new HMS syllabus. Many teachers are wondering where to start.  Join us for this new workshop - learn to design, implement, and assess […]

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