Janice Atkin - Professional Learning Officer, ACHPER NSW

child, girl, young

Sex education begins at home

Parents, your kids are watching you. Sex education begins at home Shutterstock Katy Thomas, University of Tasmania In recent days, Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Australians the treatment of women is not “of a scale that any government can simply change, it is something we must change as a society”. And as a society, we

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pants, jeans, list

Join our ACHPER NSW blogging team

Join the ACHPER NSW blogging team We are very excited about providing our audience with content directly from teachers, researchers and other experts in the field. Do you fit this bill? Have you got great ideas, research or resources to share with our audience? Well why not join the team creating content for the ACHPER

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pokemon, games, digital

Sexuality education could counter what kids learn from porn, but teachers fear backlash

Sexuality education can counter what kids learn from porn, but some teachers fear backlash when tackling ‘risky’ topics Shutterstock Sharon O’Mara, La Trobe University and Kirsty Duncanson, La Trobe University Thousands of women outlined stories of sexual harassment at private school parties in a petition launched by Chanel Contos recently. Contos is calling for better

Sexuality education could counter what kids learn from porn, but teachers fear backlash Read More »

How do we make assessment in PE relevant?

How do we make assessment in PDHPE relevant? Where are we now? Kyle Sutton recently published a reflection on PDHPE assessment based on reading the AIESEP Position Statement on physical education assessment.  Within this reflection he made some extremely valuable points about where assessment has been in this key learning area and where we could be

How do we make assessment in PE relevant? Read More »

rush, football, grass

Stop calling it prac. It’s Physical Education

Stop calling it prac …. It’s physical education! Reflections by Clare Roden, Vice President I had the privilege to spend two days recently with a group of 10 passionate Primary and Secondary PDHPE teachers discussing what they thought encompassed the idea of quality physical education and what the hurdles were to achieving this in every

Stop calling it prac. It’s Physical Education Read More »

Exciting new partnership with RH Sports

RHSports is proud to be partnering with ACHPER NSW RHSports is the largest wholesale supplier of sports equipment and clothing in Australia and are proud to support your professional development! With an extensive range of products including our own NYDA brand plus all the big brands, RHS has all your school PDHPE and Sports Program

Exciting new partnership with RH Sports Read More »

ACHPER NSW Annual General Meeting

ACHPER NSW Annual General Meeting – 2021 Agenda: Welcome Endorsement/Announcement of Board Members Reports General Business   Enquiries: All enquiries should be directed to Tracy Puckeridge.   If you will be attending the AGM, please RSVP on the link below. AGM RSVP A short Board Meeting will follow the AGM. Refreshments will be provided. Call for nominations for Board

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Position statement on assessment in physical education

Rethinking my thinking on assessment in physical education Reflection by Kyle Sutton – ACHPER NSW Board member  What is the future of PE assessment? I was recently reading a position statement on Assessment in Physical Education brought together by 71 experts from 20 different countries. It got me thinking about Assessment in PE  because of its

Position statement on assessment in physical education Read More »

startup, start-up, notebooks

Changes to NESA accreditation process for teachers and providers

Changes to accreditation processes for ACHPER NSW and teachers In response to an internal review of NESA’s processes for endorsing professional development (PD) providers and feedback from stakeholders, NESA are limiting their accreditation of courses to four priority areas that provide effective professional learning. The priority areas are: delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework (as applicable)

Changes to NESA accreditation process for teachers and providers Read More »

Inclusive practices in PDHPE – Introductory webinar

ACHPER NSW has partnered with Inclusive Schools Australia to present an introductory webinar on embedding inclusive practices in PDHPE. The webinar was presented by Sarah Humphreys, Inclusion Consultant and co-founder of Inclusive Schools Australia. https://vimeo.com/488321942 Additional resources 

Inclusive practices in PDHPE – Introductory webinar Read More »

Changes in NESA accreditation of PD providers

On Monday 30 November the Minister for Education, Sarah Mitchell announced that endorsement of all currently NESA Endorsed Providers is cancelled and Registered courses are deregistered effective immediately. This is as a result of an internal review by NESA of its process for endorsing professional development (PD) providers and courses announced in July. What is

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Are you a PE Pioneer?

We are looking to form a team of enthusiastic and innovative teachers to work with us to co-construct our professional learning program for 2021.  A key focus of our professional learning program is on revitalising PE in schools through quality programming, innovative pedagogy and student-centred assessment.   If you want to get on the front foot

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ACHPER NSW Community Survey – 2020

Community survey – What you told us ACHPER NSW conducted their inaugural Community Survey in October 2020 with a total of 120 respondents completing the survey. The following report provides a summary of key demographic data and responses that have been used to construct audience segments and their related professional learning needs and preferences. Who

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Board member Luke Adams wins state award on World Teachers Day

Outstanding Professional Service Award This award is made by the Professional Teachers’ Council NSW on behalf of professional associations in recognition of the voluntary work undertaken by committee members of professional teachers’ associations. The award recognises individual committee member’s outstanding professional contribution to education in NSW made through a professional teachers’ association. Luke Adams –

Board member Luke Adams wins state award on World Teachers Day Read More »

rush, football, grass

What does quality physical education look like?

What makes a quality physical education program? Well if you go to Google for the answer you could be a while coming to any conclusions … 1, 520,000,000 – that’s a lot of zeros. And a lot of people who have made an attempt to answer the question. The first result that comes up is

What does quality physical education look like? Read More »

workplace, team, business meeting

Catch up PL: How behaviour change models can inform our PDHPE programs

Behaviour change and PDHPE Change is never easy – and convincing our target audience – young people – to take action and change their behaviour can be even harder still. We all know the adage that if you tell a young person not to do something … the first thing they often do is ask

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Catch up PL: Stage 6 PDHPE and CAFS

Term 4: Opportunity for catch up PL in Stage 6 CAFS and PDHPE What a year 2020 has been, with untold disruptions to teaching, assessment and your professional learning. The COVID restrictions have meant our usual smorgasbord of face to face professional learning offerings for PDHPE and CAFS teachers has been drastically reduced this year.

Catch up PL: Stage 6 PDHPE and CAFS Read More »

beach, hats, ocean

Unfriendly friendships

Unfriendly friendships – bullying by another name? Recently ReachOut.com released their latest research report, titled Unfriendly Friendships. It has found that textbook definitions of bullying are missing the mark with young people. The report concluded that young people found it difficult to label their experiences as bullying, particularly if the bullying comes from a friend,

Unfriendly friendships Read More »

Teaching about Sun and UV at school – taking a critical inquiry approach

Why Sun and UV at School matters? Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, and statistics show that melanoma is the most common cancer affecting young Australians aged 15–to24¹. The good news is that skin cancer is highly preventable. The new Sun and UV at School skin cancer resources will assist

Teaching about Sun and UV at school – taking a critical inquiry approach Read More »

PL on the go #1: Behaviour management

Listen to a conversation with Dr Jeff Thomas, a lecturer in the Master of Teaching and Graduate Certificate of Education at the University of Tasmania. Jeff’s research and teaching interests include the relationship between engagement and classroom behaviour, and reengagement approaches for disengaged students. This podcast first published on Teacher Magazine website.

PL on the go #1: Behaviour management Read More »

A balance at exam time

Students who study any subject within the PDHPE Key Learning Area know about the importance of balance. This can be easily applied to the preparation that goes into sitting any exam for students. Below are some simple strategies for students to adopt before, during and after exam time. Studying                                                                    Develop a realistic study timetable

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Learners need endless feedback, more than they need endless teaching

“Learners need endless feedback, more than they need endless teaching”. (Grant Wiggins)   Trial HSC Examinations across NSW have either just finished or about to begin. Students prepare for their trials, they sit them, teachers mark their exams and give them back their results, students spend about one minute looking at their marks. This is

Learners need endless feedback, more than they need endless teaching Read More »

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